International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congress – INTERM 2013

23 Μαΐου 2013Συνέδρια - Σχολεία - Διαλέξεις

We are pleased to invite you to the International Multidisciplinary Microscopy Congress – INTERM 2013, which will be held on October 10-13, 2013 in Antalya, Turkey, in the Limak Limra Hotel & Resort.

The aim of the congress is to convene scientists from various branches and discuss the latest improvements in the field of microscopy. The contents of the congress have been widened in an "interdisciplinary" manner, so as to allow all scientists working on several related subjects to participate and present their work.

The congress proceedings are scheduled to be published under the series of "The Springer Proceedings in Physics".

Special offer for all the Greek students who wants to participate as a Listener (payment before June 14, 2013):

Registration fees 125 € (double occupancy per person), including admission to all Scientific Sessions, congress Bag (including volume of the Congress abstract book), welcome Cocktail, Gala Dinner, coffee breaks to be served during the Meetings, high class all inclusive accommodation between October 10-13 (3 nights), round trip hotel-airport transfers, (i.e. everything except transportation to and from Antalya).