Σεμινάριο Τμήματος

The Early Universe and Fundamental Physics

15 Μαρ 2006
Prof. Hector de Vega
Our knowledge about the universe made spectacular progress in recent years, thanks to the new data from the cosmic microwave background, the large scale structure, the present acceleration of the universe and many other complementary and precise measurements. A unified theoretical understanding of the universe thus emerged: the concordance model. The universe started with a phase of accelerated expansion (inflation) followed by stages of decelerated expansion where the universe thermalized, cooling down from the energy scale of inflation 10^{16} GeV till an atomic physics scale today (2.7 K). This produced a succesion of phase transitions including the formation of structure through gravitational collapse. The Universe provides thus a unique laboratory to study fundamental physics over almost 30 orders of magnitude. A pedagogical status review of our present observational and theoretical knowledge will be presented stressing the probable avenues of future progress.