- Dynamics and Kinetics of disordered solid state systems and fractals.
- Dynamics of neural networks and signal transfer.
- Estimation of electronic and optical properties of conventional and novel semiconductor material with technological applicability.
- Interface study (symmetry, energy and structure features) in polycrystalline materials with lattice model.
- Study of crystallite triplets in polycrystalline materials.
- Estimation of electronic and dynamic properties in crystals, amorphous materials, superlattices.
- Properties and Critical phenomena in ionic crystals.
- Lattice dynamics of crystalline solids (3D and 2D) using phenomenological models and first-principles calculations. Application of group theory for the interpretation of Raman and Infrared spectra.
- Difussion modelling, random walk, complex systems, low-dimensional systems, fractals, trapping events. - Statistical Physics Methodology.
PC Lab with parallel processing. Consists of 32 PCs (Intel Core 2 Duo, 64 processors), Total RAM 128 Gb, Storage Space 6.7 Tb, Operating System Scientific Linux.