Waves in elastic media: basic concepts, derivation of the wave equation, harmonic waves. Characteristics of the mechanical waves, wave energy. Exercises
Propagation of mechanical waves: Superposition of waves, group and phase velocities, standing waves and normal modes, beats. Exercises.
Sound waves: Production of sound waves, applications. Exercises.
Fluid mechanics
Fluids (gasses and liquids). Pressure. Density. Fluids in equilibrium. Hydrostatics. Buoyancy. Pascal and Archimedes Principles. Exercises.
Surface tension. Adhesion forces. Capillary action. Fluid flow. Laminar flow. Law of continuity. Law of Bernoulli. Turbulent flow. Viscosity. Exercises.
Deformation of solids and moduli (in brief). Exercises.
Heat and Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics of perfect gas: System, surroundings, thermodynamic variables, equilibrium, processes. Temperature and the zeroth law, temperature scales, thermometric properties.
Heat and the first law, heat capacities, heat measurement and tranfer.
Perfect gas laws and processes. Kinetic theory of gases. Molecular velocities distribution. Real gas. Thermal engines.
Second law, Carnot cycle, entropy, Clausius inequality. Equilibrium. Problems for all the issues.
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