Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Matter
The group is involved in projects studying the phases, the microstructures and the morphology of magnetic materials focusing on correlations of structure and magnetism not only in bulk materials but in magnetic nanostructures as well. The various activities may be summarized as follows:
Α). Growth - Fabrication of magnetic materials of technological interest.
Β). Characterization and study of microstructure till the atomic level.
C). Temperature-dependent magnetic characterization.
D). Thermal, mechanical and magnetic treatments for improving the magnetic study.
E). Theoretical study and simulation of magnetic features.
- UHV chamber with 3 sources for e-beam evaporation of thin and multilayered films.
- Monocrystal fabrication with Czochralski – Bridgeman method.
- Inductive furnace for metal casting and alloy formation.
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer - VSM for thin films (77-300K, 0-1.2T, 0–2T).
- Moessbauer spectrometer 57Fe (77 – 300 K)