
Effective technology Transfer - Methodology and Best Practice for successful Commercialisation of Technological Innovation

15 May 2014
Dr. G. Vekinis

Every innovation starts life as an idea. It is the systematic transformation of this idea, via its manifestation as an invention to the final innovative material, device, process, method, service, etc. that is the foundation of economic success.
The transformational process Idea --> Invention --> Innovation is not straight-forward and neither is it well-laid out. It depends on many aspects, many of which are not within the control of the technologist or inventor. But the process is underpinned by a number of basic aspects that are common to all attempts at ensuring an effective transfer of a technology from the laboratory to industry and the market. Based on these commonalities, an effective best-practice methodology has been developed and can serve as a guide towards bridging the gap between the lab and the market . 
The talk will first introduce the common aspects of the methodology and discuss the 10 stages and 3 Critical Milestones that need to be traversed and passed to reach the valuable innovation. Much of the talk will be based on the ideas presented and analysed in the book “Technology Transfer in Practice: from Invention to Innovation”.