
Impact of Nanosciences and Nanoengineering on Emerging Technology and Biomedical Fields

29 Jan 2014
Prof. Kyriakos Komvopoulos
Director, Surface Sciences and Engineering Laboratory (SSEL)
Director, Computational Surface Mechanics Laboratory (CSML)
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
12:30 pm, auditorium Α31

Recent progress in nanosciences and nanoengineering has created numerous opportunities for innovation and evolution in various cutting-edge technology and biomedical fields. Because of the unique physical laws governing material behavior at small scales, new engineering and biomedical approaches and different thinking processes must be adopted. Representative examples of breakthroughs in information storage, microelectromechanical systems, and biotechnology fields will be presented to illustrate the promises of nanosciences and nanoengineering, in conjunction with scientific and technology challenges that must be overcome for further growth to be realized. The origins of surface forces, significance of self-affinity in surface texture, material response to localized deformation, self-assembly of monolayers, synthesis of ultrathin film, and protein/cell interactions with plasma-modified scaffold surfaces will be discussed in the context of recent findings.