· Nature of radiation, various forms of radiation, Mathematical description of radiation.
· Quantum theory of the interaction between radiation and matter: Aporro-extraction, emis-sion, Corpuscular photon properties.
· Quantum theory of the interaction between radiation and matter: Elementary theory of interaction of a quantum system and electromagnetic radiation.
· Quantum theory of the interaction between radiation and matter: Half-life of excited states and energy width.
· Statistical properties of photons and sources: the concept of elementary cell. Temporal- and spatial- coherence. The elementary bundle.
· Statistical properties of photons and sources: Fluctuation Phenomena. Measure-ments in many elementary cells. Monochromaticity and coherence.
· Lasers: Optical resonance cavities, spatial form of modes in open resonance cavities. Stabil-ity of optical resonance cavities.
· Lasers: Optical resonant cavity frequency spectrum, Population inversion. Modes in a Laser. Amplification factor and output power.
· Lasers: 3- and 4- levels Lasers.
· Types of Lasers: Overview, of types of Lasers, Gas Lasers.
· Types of Lasers: Lasers, fluids, Chemical Lasers, Lasers solid
· Types of Semiconductor Lasers: Lasers,
· types of Lasers: free electron Lasers, Lasers.