Basic concepts of electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum, sources of non-ionizing radiation. Biological effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation. Regulations and exposure guidelines, safety measurements and site monitoring. Thermal ablation (introductory concepts, thermal damage to human tissue, cancer therapy by thermal ablation). Radio frequency and microwave thermal ablation (applications in oncology and cardiology). Hyperthermia (historical background, biological mechanisms, hyperthermia and other cancer treatments). Hyperthermia (modalities and devices, magnetic nanoparticles, clinical practice, treatment planning). Non-thermal cancer therapy with electromagnetic fields, magnetic stimulation of the nervous system (introduction and working principle, modalities and devices, clinical practice, numerical calculations). Electrosurgery (modalities and devices, clinical practice, safety aspects). Electrical tissue properties (description, measurement of electrical resistance). Plethysmography, Impedance cardiography. Electrical impedance tomography (working principle, clinical applications).