
Course information shown below is relevant to the 2022 Course Programme which affects students enrolled in the School of Physics from the academic year 2022-2023 onwards.

Students who have joined in different academic years should refer to the 2015 Course Programme or the printable Course Programme Study Guides for information about the courses available to them.

ΣΥΕ204Crystal Structure and Applications74
ΗΥΕ201Digital systems74
ΓΘΕ203Fluid Mechanics74
ΑΑΕ202Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy74
ΣΥΕ205Magnetic Materials and Applications74
ΜΑΕ202Mathematical Methods in Physics II74
ΕΦΕ203Non-Linear Circuits74
ΠΣΕ401Nuclear Physics: Laboratory Course II74
ΣΥΕ206Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices74
ΑΑΕ103Planetary Systems and Space Exploration74
ΓΘΕ208Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves- Antennas- MIcrowaves and Applications74
ΓΘΕ205Quantum Mechanics III74
ΔΨΕ501Teaching Laboratory of Physics74
ΓΘΕ206Theoretical Statistic Solid State Physics74
ΑΜΕ701Thesis for Barchelor-Intoduction to research methodology 78
ΠΣΕ101 Nuclear theory Issues84
ΠΣΕ206Accelerators and Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics84
ΑΠΕ102Atmospheric Diffusion and Dispersion84
ΑΠΕ101Atmospheric Technology84
ΗΥΕ202Computer Architecture84
ΠΣΕ207Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics84
ΓΘΕ210General Theory of Relativity84
ΕΠΕ101Global Environmental Changes84
ΓΘΕ211Introduction to Physics ionized gas (Plasma Physics)84
ΗΤΕ501Laboratory on Electrοnic Circuits 84
ΕΦΕ202Linear Circuits84
ΓΘΕ209Quantum Optics - Laser84
ΓΘΕ204Quantum Physics Exercises84
ΒΙΕ201Radiation Physics and Applications of Radioisotopes84
ΑΑΕ101Radio astronomy - Astronomy in Non Optical wavelengths84
ΣΥΕ402Solid State Physics Laboratory84
AME701Thesis for Barchelor-Intoduction to research methodology88
Erasmus+ course

Students have to succeed in examinations in all Compulsory and a total of 12 Elective courses.